International Blog Highlight – Words of Encouragement


Thanks for coming to my blog today! We are being highlighted internationally by Kylie Bertucci and you are able to VOTE for my project. The top ten winners will get to be part of an international blog hop so please vote for my project. You can do that HERE.

Our theme for today is ENCOURAGEMENT as we all need a kind word said to us to build us up, don’t we? And Stampin‘ Up! has such a great variety of stamps that come with gorgeous words of encouragement.

stampin up encouragement beautiful you cupcakes and carrussels stempeltier regen aufmunterung

I’ve used the set BEAUTIFUL YOU from our upcoming Occasions Catalogue 2017 in combination with a stamp set from the annual catty.

The saying says something like: „You are not alone in the rain. I am here there for you.“

stampin up encouragement beautiful you cupcakes and carrussels stempeltier regen aufmunterung international bloghop

Sometimes words of ENCOURAGEMENT are needed to cheer up a friend and
tell them they are not alone.
When was the last time you sent out a handmade card?
Maybe, it’s about time to get started.

Thanks for visiting my blog today make sure you head over to Kylie’s blog – to vote for my project. I would love to be chosen to do an international blog hop.

Material list Stampin‘ Up! products I used for the card and the box:


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